Student in cow pen at FFA Ag day

The Future Farmers of America (FFA)  chapter at A.C. Reynolds High School hosted its annual Agriculture Day, an event designed to educate elementary school students within the district about agriculture and farming. The event, held on the school’s practice fields, featured multiple interactive stations showcasing various farm animals and agricultural practices. 

High School Student teaching students how to use a lasso
Younger students had the opportunity to learn about goats, horses, pigs, and cows, with hands-on experiences at each station. In addition to the animal exhibits, a local beekeeper was on hand to  teach the children about the importance of bees in the ecosystem. 

students feeding goat
A horticulture station provided insight into plant growth and gardening, while a safe viewing area offered a fascinating demonstration of welding techniques. 

student welding
This day was an amazing culmination of teaching, learning, and most importantly, fun for everyone involved. The goal was to spark an interest in agriculture programs and careers among the younger generation, and give them a better understanding of where their food comes from. 

students petting pig
Ag Day combined education and enjoyment which was met with enthusiasm from students and teachers alike, making it a memorable experience for the entire community. 

student on tractor