Little boy looking an animals

On a bright sunny day, the kindergarten class of Black Mountain Primary School (BMP) embarked on an exciting field trip to the WNC Nature Center. The young students, filled with anticipation and curiosity, were divided into two groups to ensure a comprehensive tour of the center’s diverse animal exhibits. 

students looking at animals with their teacher
As they strolled through the nature center, the children were captivated by the wide array of animals on display. Collectively, the students were particularly enchanted by the black bears and the wolves, which quickly became the unanimous favorites. The majestic presence of these creatures sparked awe and excitement among the students. 

students on giant turtle statue

Among the enthusiastic group, kindergarteners Brynnleigh and Ruby stood out with their spirited declaration of love for the otters and the red pandas. Their wide-eyed fascination with these unique animals reflected the overall wonder and enjoyment experienced by all the children during the visit. 

students hugging otter statue
The visit to the WNC Nature Center provided the kindergarteners with an enriching and memorable experience, blending education with the joy of exploration. It was a day filled with learning, laughter, and lasting memories for the young students of BMP. 

students looking at turtle exhibit