Young student kicks soccer ball

T.C. Roberson High School (TCR) is kicking off the summer with a fun K-12 Soccer summer camp! The men’s and women’s soccer teams at T.C. Roberson are spending their warm summer days teaching the next generation of soccer stars how to kick, pass, punt, trap, and save. 

“It’s a great benefit to the community,” said TCR Soccer Coach Leslie Sloan. “It’s accessible to kids of all ages and low priced, and gets them outside during the summer. For our students, I think it’s helpful for them to get to teach, too. When you teach someone, two people are learning.”

The K-12 camp is split up into a morning session and an evening session (to avoid the brunt of mid-day heat), with K-6 in the morning and 7-12 in the evening. The students are put into diverse groups both in age and gender, allowing students to make friends they otherwise wouldn’t get to make, and to interact with kids of different ages.

The camp is just one of many sports related camps that TCR is hosting this summer. Baseball and Basketball have finished up, with eSports, Football, Lacrosse, Volleyball and Softball camp to come, ensuring that no matter what sport a kid is into, there is a place for them at TCR over the summer to have some fun and learn new skills.