BCS Teacher of the Year Martha Tallent and special guests

In a special ceremony this afternoon, Superintendent Dr. Rob Jackson surprised Enka Middle School science teacher Martha Tallent by announcing she is the 2025 Buncombe County Schools Teacher of the Year.

“I’m so touched, but more than anything, just so surprised, because there are so many educators to select from,” Ms. Tallent said. “It’s an incredible honor.”

Enka Middle School's Martha Tallent accepts Teacher of the Year awardsTo ensure Ms. Tallent was surprised, Enka Middle Principal Amberle Dalton organized an assembly for eighth grade students and teachers to celebrate finishing end-of-grade tests. Once everyone was in the gym, she called on special guests waiting in the hall. Along with Dr. Jackson, the “surprise squad” included Associate Superintendent Dr. Jennifer Reed, Assistant Superintendent Joe Hough, Christy Cheek of the Buncombe County Schools Foundation, and Ms. Tallent’s parents, Debbie and Bill. 

Martha Tallent congratulated by special guests“What a great representative she’s going to be of our school system,” Dr. Jackson shared with the Enka Middle School students. “We are so proud of the amazing things she’s done in the classroom with you, and excited to have you all here together to celebrate this special achievement.” 

“She’s a teacher leader in our building,” Principal Dalton shared. “She’s an awesome teammate, we're so fortunate to have her.”

Students cheered upon hearing the news their teacher had been selected. Ms. Tallent, who has taught science at Enka Middle School since 2022, is excited about the opportunities ahead with the Teacher of the Year title.

Martha Tallent with Principal Dalton and Superintendent Jackson“I get to represent an amazing group of educators and students, and I feel so blessed to be able to do that,” she said. 

The Buncombe County Schools Teacher of the Year program recognizes educators of exceptional skill and commitment. It’s an opportunity for teachers to recognize peers who exemplify the profession and its values. Teachers lead the process from start to finish, both at the school level, and in selecting district finalists. A teacher-led committee reviews candidate essays and conducts interviews and classroom visits. 

Martha Tallent at Enka Middle JetIn her essay, Tallent wrote, “My philosophy as a teacher is founded in personal experiences. If success is an expectation, students regardless of ability or background can overcome all obstacles. My philosophy recognizes teachers shape the future creating successful individuals. If I am selected as the 2025 North Carolina Teacher of the Year, as my message I will promote the importance of relationships in teaching and learning. The relationships with your students, guardians, administration, colleagues, and community are critically important to the education success.”