School Advisory Council


A School Advisory Council is comprised of five to 13 members, with the principal serving in an ex-officio capacity and as the secretary who keeps the minutes. Minutes are submitted to the Superintendent's office and forwarded to the Buncombe County School Board members.

Advisory Councils serve schools in an advisory capacity and act as a liaison between the Board of Education and the citizenry.  Councils might discuss and advise on such matters as human relations, school facilities, school activities, community/Board of Education relations, and/or other matters related to the individual schools.  Advice to the Board can be given in the form of minutes maintained at the meetings; by direct communication to Board members; individually or collectively, by correspondence or telephone; or by a written report presented at a regularly scheduled Board meeting.

Each Advisory Council should elect, at the first meeting, a chairman and a vice-chairman. Meetings should be held at times convenient to all members to the extent possible, with a minimum of four meetings per year required

Emma's 2024-25 Advisory Council
Administrator: Carla Shipman

Title I: Tonya Deweese

TOY: Heather Roy

EL Teacher: Megan Lake

Parent Liaison: Melissa Orozco-Perez

Parent: Renee Ensley

Parent: Kaila Jones

Parent: Samantha Kienker

Community: Cheyanne Emmett

Meeting Dates:

September 19th @ 8:00am (Emma)

October 15th @ 6:00pm (Nesbitt Academy)

January 22nd @ 1:00pm (Emma)

April 3rd @ 9:00am (Erwin High School)